Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Texas Economic Development Sales Tax Course

Pam Mundo, Mundo and Associates, and Terri Shatter, Oncor and Sunnyvale 4A Director attended the TEDC Economic Development Sales Tax Workshop this past Friday. The Texas Legistature did not change the Texas Sales Tax Laws except for 3 small changes.  Of most importance is a new Section 504.171 allowing Type A Corporations of Cities under 7,500 population to undertake Type B projects if the City has a Type B Corporation. The public hearing and 60 day notice would apply to the project. 
Of some important note was the review of the Public Information Act (PIA) formerly Open Records Act  and with even informal requests for information such requests need to be treated in accordance with the PIA.   Texas Economic Development Council did a great job developing and executing this important workshop!

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